Saki Oyama was born and raised in Kumamoto, Japan, where she started Ballet and Modern/Jazz. She started musical theater and contemporary when she was twelve, and won The Patrons Prize(Barbara Fewster, OBE), First Prize, Scholarship, and Pate Dettmer Contemporary Scholarship at Sussex Summer School in UK.
Saki has moved NY and trained as a scholarship student in Steps Conservatory Program for 2 years. At the same time, she has started Hiphop and Street jazz, and joined Hiphop crew (Matt Lopez). While she keeps training, she got many experiences, such as performing at Carnegie Hall, NBC Red Nose Day, Japan day, NY jazz choreography project, working with Kalamandir Dance Company, Chet Walker, Bill Hastings, Jack Gill and more.
After she graduated, she was in the show"Unconventional Circus"(Italy), and danced for the promotion event of Marina Bay Sands(Tokyo). She performed at the “Japan Expo Thailand 2020” as a backing up dancer for artists(Thailand). Also she got "JSDA Jazz level 1" in Japan! 2022-2023 B.LEAGUE cheerleading dance team. (Kumamoto Volters)
Recently, she is based in Melbourne, and working on performing and teaching. Belonging to JR management and Hype entertainment company. Credit: Musical “the boy from OZ”, T2 commercial, Art Centre Melbourne. Teaching at “the space dance&arts center”, “studio107”, and Melbourne Girls Grammar School.
2016年に帰国後、復学し大学を卒業。シンガポールMarina Bay Sandsホテルの日本プロモーションイベントにダンサー出演。ユニバーサルスタジオジャパンオーディション合格。モノクロイズムMV出演。イタリアでの公演に出演(Unconventional Circus)や日本ストリートダンス協会主催のダンス検定でJazz1級取得を果たす。
2020年にはタイでのジャパンエキスポで様々なアーティストのバックダンサーとして活躍。現在熊本市から正式にアーティストとして認定されており、熊本市人づくり基金の審査員を務める。2022-2023 熊本ヴォルターズ公式チアリーダーズ。 2023年からメルボルンに拠点を移し、JR managementに所属。T2、AIAなどのCMやミュージックビデオに出演し、ミュージカル(The Boy from OZ)にも出演、Hype dance companyに所属しパフォーマンスするなど活躍の場を広げている。現地のダンススクール(The Space Dance & Arts Centre)でレギュラークラスや集中コースも開講している。 ジャンルを問わず幅広く活躍するダンサー。